Cry for me
Do you ever cry for me?
Now when we cannot
Truly talk or touch
Do you feel
As acutely as I do
Our separateness
In distance
In time
In experiences
And do you wish
Your tears
Could wash it away?
On those days when
Our only tie is thought
Have you mused
On my self-hate
In which I am drowning
In spite of your love
In despair of our meeting
Are you sorry
And would you
Move the mountains
To change things?
At night when you wake
And want to reach for me
Does knowing that
I might never be there
In the dark
In your bed
In your arms
Make you long rather
To be crying
With our ecstasy?
Though sometimes I say
I would like to see you cry
The way I so often have
In desperation
In longing
In loneliness
That is the only way
I really want
To make you cry for me…